Canonical plans to make Ubuntu Touch snappy

Ubuntu Touch

Ubuntu Touch

Canonical is set to bring no new updates to its Ubuntu Core platform until the debut of its Snap support. The mobile phone-focused, open source platform received the OTA 14 as the most recent update.

Engineering Director Pat McGowan has revealed Canonical’s plans for Ubuntu Touch platform in an email. “We do not plan to land any features to the current stable PPA, although we will provide security updates as they are available,” he responds to query on the OTA 15 release.

Apart from suspending the plans for new updates, Canonical is also not in a move to bring any new hardware with Ubuntu Touch until the release of a Snap image.

The Canonical team is presently focusing on the Xenial release of Ubuntu platform. Also, there are milestones for the Ubuntu Personal images.

McGowan has released the development of bringing Unity 8 session to classic Ubuntu. This will become the default shell on the platform and debut as the default user interface for future Ubuntu releases.

“While we transition to snap this is the other major area of focus. I would add the Unity 8 desktop needs parity with the current Unity 7 desktop as we are also still planning to use Unity 8 as the default shell in Ubuntu,” McGowan writes.

Debuting at MWC 2017

Canonical has scheduled its presence at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017 in Barcelona. This would enable the Ubuntu maker to showcase its new developments around IoT and cloud areas. Further, the company might use the MWC stage to formally announce its plans with Ubuntu Touch.



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