Raspberry Pi gets official online training series for educators

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi

Educators around the world can now learn about digital making using Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi Foundation has partnered with online educational platform FutureLearn to kick-start its very first official online training series.

The non-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation has trained over 540 educators in the US and UK this year through offline training sessions by Picademy, Skycademy and Code Cloud Teacher Training. However, to ease engineers anywhere except the US and UK, the online computing professional development (CPD) programmes have now emerged.

“This new free training supports our commitment to President Obama’s Computer Science For All initiative,” the Raspberry Pi team writes in a blog post.

Initially, FutureLearn will include two online CPD training courses for Raspberry Pi. The first course, namely “Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python”, will be a mix-and-match of hardware and software training and help teachers develop different ideas to use Raspberry Pi and Python in their classroom.

The second course, called “Teaching Programming in Primary Schools”, is targeted at providing a comprehensive introduction to programming and enable key programming concepts for beginners. It teaches the Scratch programming language and helps instructors discover mistakes and pitfalls and develop strategies to fix them.

Registrations for both the Raspberry Pi courses have already started, while the online classes will begin starting February 2017. Training sessions come with a total duration of four weeks, consuming two hours in a week.


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