Home Content News Dell EMC contributes to open source OpenSDS Project

Dell EMC contributes to open source OpenSDS Project

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Dell EMC has formally partnered with the Linux Foundation for the OpenSDS Project. The company has committed to contribute its CoprHD SouthBound SDK (SB SDK) to OpenSDS to help developers build some advanced enterprise-grade storage solutions.

Notably, the latest move is the very first official contribution by Dell EMC after the closing of its merger deal in September this year. CoprHD SouthBound SDK (SB SDK) promises to promote storage interoperability and compatibility. Its drivers and tools are designed to help build developers to build drivers and other tools for enterprise storage models.

“As the first storage vendor to open source a software-defined storage controller, we are very excited to join OpenSDS,” said John Mark Walker, director of product management, Dell EMC, in a statement.

OpenSDS is one of the major collaborative initiatives of the Linux Foundation. The huge open source community benefits the project that has been built over the years. Apart from the community support, the project is supported by key storage vendors and users such as Vodafone, HDS, Fujitsu, Huawei and Oregon State University. The project will also soon be collaborated with other open source communities like Cloud Native Computing Foundation, OpenStack, Docker and Open Container Initiative.

The initial prototypes of the solutions by OpenSDS will be available in the second quarter of 2017. Some of its initial releases will include open source technologies like Cinder and Manila from OpenStack community. This will help OpenSDS to support a wide range of cloud storage solutions. Moreover, the contribution by Dell EMC is a great addition to OpenSDS Project.



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