Ubuntu Core 16 brings security closer to IoT devices

Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak

Ubuntu Core 16

Security has been one of the significant concerns in the open source world over the past several months. But now Canonical has released Ubuntu Core 16 to ensure a reliable and secure experience on Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

The latest Ubuntu Core is a compact platform. Yet, it is capable of delivering “groundbreaking” security through confined, read-only snap packages. The operating system also comes with Update Control to enable software publishers and manufacturers to validate updates way before they are applied to the devices. This helps in reducing instances of vulnerabilities.

To offer transactional upgradability for the entire platform, the operating system and kernel in Ubuntu Core are also delivered as snaps. Manufacturers can use the device-centric snap app store on the Ubuntu to let developers release updates throughout the device lifecycle, starting from beta testing to general availability.

IoT device makers like Dell consider that the release of Ubuntu Core 16 will enable them to offer long-term support and security on their offerings. This would help them influence more customers to test their innovations.

“Dell has been working with Canonical on Ubuntu Core for over a year, and our Dell Edge Gateways are fully-certified for Ubuntu Core 16. This enables Dell to offer the long-term support and security that IoT use cases such as factory and building automation demand,” said Jason Shepherd, director of strategy and partnerships for IoT, Dell, in a statement.

Issues emerged recently

Linux is so far the first choice for IoT device manufacturers. However, some serious issues emerged recently to warn its deployments. Mirai botnet surfaced last month that exposed thousands of connected devices to DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks. Most recently, NyaDrop arose that loads malware on hardware such as DVRs and CCTV cameras.

Versatile secure experience

Ubuntu Core is one of the popular solutions for devices ranging from top-of-rack switches, industrial gateways, radio access networks, digital signage, robots and drones. Thus, its upgrade would bring enhancements on a variety of devices and enable refined security across the entire IoT ecosystem.


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