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This open source platform brings next-gen prototyping

ProtoLeap board

ProtoLeap board

Prototyping electronic designs is not yet easy, though there are some supportive tools like breadboards and development boards. But it would get the next level of support through ProtoLeap.

Currently available as a Kickstarter project, ProtoLeap offers a futuristic breadboard to help hobbyists and design engineers. The hardware has some notable essentials that are missing from the breadboard and even comes preloaded with some open source projects.

“The goal of this project is to create a network of students, hobbyists and professionals who thoroughly enjoy hardware/software design projects,” the team behind the project writes on the Kickstarter campaign page.

Toronto-based Mazi Hosseini has designed ProtoLeap after discussing the missing parts on a breadboard with his engineer colleagues. The starter edition of the open source project comes with two power rails in 5V and 3.3V capacity. Additionally, there is a ProtoLeap kit that brings prototype and extension boards.

The initial list of bundled open source projects includes light and temperature sensors, dual-character 7-segment display, ADC, DAC and DC motor control. The team is also set to expand this coverage by adding projects like an expandable LED display board, weather station, remote control, oscilloscope, frequency counter, waveform generator and even a camera.

Starts at $25, ProtoLeap could become the next big development in the open source world after Arduino board and Raspberry Pi. The ProtoLeap team has plans to raise $5,000 through the online campaign on Kickstarter.


  1. […] for ages. This is because farmers do with old harvesters and rusty welders is what modern Makers do with breadboards and Raspberry Pi. In fact, for the farming world and its enthusiasts, there is even a crowdsourced magazine called […]


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