GitLab improves app testing with Review Apps


gitlab review apps

To ease app development process, GitLab has developed Review Apps. This new ephemeral app environment improves app testing on the online repository platform.

GitLab’s Review Apps provides developers a support to create temporary applications to test the final versions of their open source projects. Through this way, various developers can now easily work on a single project as they will have separate applications to improve the finish offering. Product managers, at the same time, can also look for merge requests without deploying any developer environment at their end.

GitLab review apps
GitLab with Review Apps environment

“Review Apps mean you have an environment running that contains only the code changes of one merge request,” said Mark Pundsack, head of product, GitLab, in a statement.

Review Apps eases the staging application processes. Notably, the dynamically created environment gets automatically deleted following the topic branch gets eliminated.

Unified solution for individual developers and development teams

Pundsack mentioned that the latest development is not limited to large teams but also good enough for solo developers. “Review Apps are about improving the fidelity and speed of review; bringing everyone (product managers, QA, designers, etc.) into the conversation earlier, with higher quality information, so you move faster from idea to production,” the product head stated.

You can access Review Apps for free in GitLab CE, GitLab EE and It would make the online Git platform a strong competitor against GitHub.


  1. […] GitLab is aiming to take on GitHub with features such as an app testing service and a project management tool. While the open source platform is encouraging a large number of individual developers to make code […]


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