Your Raspberry Pi 3 can now run Android Nougat, but not officially

Raspberry Pi3

Raspberry Pi3

While Google just released Android 7.0 Nougat for a handful of Nexus devices, you now have a chance to run the same operating system right on your Raspberry Pi 3. This new development makes the latest Raspberry Pi the most affordable Android Nougat, but through an unofficial channel.

Peter Yoon, open source developer who had previously brought Android TV to Raspberry Pi, has developed a stable build of Android Nougat. This development is specifically designed for Raspberry Pi 3.

Android Nougat on Raspberry Pi is big news as many developers are keen to experience the latest operating system. In addition to merely a simple preview, Raspberry Pi enables programmers to test their developments on the single-board computer. This would result in some innovations from the ever-growing DIY community.

In a recent conversation with Open Source For You, Raspberry Pi creator Eben Upton showed his interest to receive Android on the affordable computer. “I am very hopeful that Google will at some point add Android support for Raspberry Pi,” Upton had said in a Skype chat.

A repository surfaced recently to hint the official release of Android for Raspberry Pi. However, Google has not yet revealed any of its plans even for the latest Pi model.


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