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Facebook releases open source tool to ease React developments


Facebook React

Facebook brought React as its open source JavaScript library to provide developers access its native user experience. But as developments using the library became tough for many individual developers and enterprises due to “an overwhelming explosion of tools”, the social networking giant has now released Create React App.

Emerges through a hackathon project, Create React App is offering an official way to create single-page React apps. The tool is designed to extend the presence of React without leaving behind the company’s open source philosophy that was majorly noticed three years back — with the release of the JavaScript library in March 2013.

“Create React App is a new officially supported way to create single-page React applications. It offers a modern build setup with no configuration,” Facebook’s Dan Abramov explains in a blog post.

Facebook has designed Create React App in such way that it leverages both Webpack asset-bundling tool and Babel JavaScript compiler. Also, there is ESLint code-linting tool to list out all the lint warnings right from the console.

Preconfigured settings

The build settings on Create React App tool are preconfigured, and there is just a single dependency for developing multiple React apps. Moreover, the Mark Zuckerberg-led company has provided all the necessary instructions on GitHub to let developers easily building some of their interesting apps.

A cloudy future ahead

“This is an experiment, and only time will tell if it becomes a popular way of creating and building React apps, or fades into obscurity,” Abramov states.

Although Facebook is looking forward to influencing some developers through its Create React App, Abramov’s statement hints a cloudy future. The company still needs to make developers aware of the benefits of its JavaScript library. Also, basic features such as testing codes are yet to arrive on the open source tool.

That being said, Facebook’s Create React App would be a productive tool for all those developers who want to ease their development efforts on the framework that is already available on multiple platforms including Android, iOS and Windows 10. The new tool would also result in the development of many new web apps in the coming future.



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