Linux Foundation and edX bring the Free Open Source Cloud Infrastructure Course



The new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will permit individuals worldwide in embarking upon lucrative careers by building and managing cloud technologies.

The Linux Foundation made an announcement regarding enabling mass innovation via open source. It announced its latest MOOC, which is open for registration.

The MOOC is an introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies and is conducted via edX, the nonprofit online learning platform launched in 2012 by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The course is free and will commence from June 2016. The course accounts as the second edX MOOC that is offered via the Linux Foundation. The foundation’s first course, Intro to Linux has attracted over 500,000 students worldwide and continues to grow.

According to Jim Zemlin, executive director at The Linux Foundation, “The response to our first edX course was powerful, demonstrating the understanding among students and early career professionals all over the world that open source is the pathway to a lucrative career in technology.” He further added that through introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies, anybody can start learning the basics of building and managing some of today’s most pervasive software granting professionals a strong position in the IT talent market.

LFS151, which is an introduction to Cloud Infrastructure Technologies will offer a primer on cloud computing and use of open source software for maximising development and operations. The course will cover next-generation cloud technologies including Docker, CoreOS, Kubernetes and OpenStack. The course will offer an overview of software-defined storage and networking solutions; along with a review of DevOps and continuous integration best practices.

The course has twelve chapters. Each chapter has a short quiz at the end. One also needs to take a final exam for completing the course. Students can take the complete course at no cost, or add a verified certificate of completion for $99.


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