A Peek Into Storage Solutions


Open source storage is similar to all other commercial storage products and can fulfill business needs like building Storage Area Network or Network-Attached Storage, file synchronisation and array clustering. We can develop and use all types of advance options of sharing, synchronisation and different APIs using open source storage solution.

Here we will explore some more popular and successful open source solutions for storage which will help us to create our storage solution, we will see the specific features of each products so that we can choose according to our unique requirement.

OwnCloud is free of cost open source for information for all who want service as fully secure and controlled storage solution. It is the free Community Edition, even to large scale organisations. It is compliant file sync which provides operation of OwnCloud enterprise edition also.

Features of OwnCloud:

  • We can share one or more folders on system and synchronise with OwnCloud.
  • You can remotely manage your file. If you are far away from the desktop client, then also, you can log in with your web client and manage your files there.
  • The application of browsing, editing, modifying, downloading and uploading is available with the Android and iOS mobile apps also.

Sparkleshare is an open source software that gives multiple services of cloud storage and file synchronisation services to the client.

Features of Sparkleshare:

  • It facilitates self-hosting property having a good control on the data. Git is used as default for back storage.
  • It keeps a record and tracking of files and feature of returning back to any previous file at any point.
  • It secures your files by the medium of encryption and hence, nobody else can spy on files.

Riak CS is open source storage software developed by Basho Technologies. It is built on Basho’s distributed database. It doesn’t work on master slave architecture, each node has the same responsibility and can respond to client request.

Features of Riak CS system:

  • It provides multipart upload options.
  • It provides high availability in case of node failure or network failure also.
  • It creates multiple replication of datacenter for backups, and quick disaster recovery.
  • With the help of Rick CS, we can get complete report of metering and bill details according to per tenant.

Seafile is very good open source solution for synchronizing of files and sharing in team. With the help of this solution we don’t need to download and upload file manually.

Features of Seafile:

  • We can create our personal workspace using file libraries and these libraries can be shared with colleagues and friends also.
  • We can create Group workspace and mobile office for connecting and sharing among all team members.
  • It facilitates many collaborating things among all team members.

Syncany open source solution is based on the concept of Dropbox .Syncany is very good solution for backup and file sharing. With the help of Syncany we can share our workstation folders with all type of other external storage like Google Storage, AWS S3, Rackspace Cloud Files etc.

Features of Syncany:

  • It provides data encryption by encrypting all file locally.
  • It provides flexibility for different type of storage and provider as well.
  • It provides plugin for connecting any type of remote storage.


Sharp Box:
Sharp Box helps us to develop our storage with the integration of commercial products .Using Sharp Box, we can write a new cloud storage provider to extend the protocol support of the API.

Features of Sharp Box:

  • Sharpbox give a backup support to many High Mass data APIs like Box.NET , Dropbox for storage of cloud.
  • It supports different cloud object store APIs like OpenStack.
  • In order to access Sharpbox features, It gives the service to offer an appropriate interface for storing provider of cloud, for practically applying a new protocol or APIs to reach Sharpbox.
  • Sharp Box provides strong community support for fixing development bugs.

Storage Solution with Open Source Private Cloud
There is number of mid-size and small organizations that are using private cloud solutions for their business and services. We can build storage solution over open source private cloud platforms.

Openstack Swift:
Openstack is most rapidly grown open source products for building private cloud as it provides specific features of storage, We can build object store and block storage as well. Swift is the name of the object store service of Openstack.

We can build our own on premises object storage using swift service of Openstack, this provides data replication and high scalability also.

Eucalyptus Walrus Storage:
Waruls is the name of object store service of Eucalyptus open source private cloud. It is much similar to other commercial service like Amazon S3.Warlus provides persistent storage for all virtual machines running in Eucalyptus running cloud. We can store al type of data using Walrus , it could be volume snapshots, virtual images and all application data.

CloudStack and OpenNebula using Ceph:

Ceph is open source platform for building all type of storage like object store, block store or file store. It can build storage on commodity hardware from one single system to distributed cluster. Ceph is low cost and massively scalable solution for cloud deployment.

Ceph helps to provide a complete solution for storing, which includes Ceph block devices, deploy a Ceph File system, Ceph File system for Apache Cloudstack . We can build primary and secondary storage over CloudStack private cloud.

Ceph is a distribute file storage system it can be used with as a back-end with OpenNebulla for providing storage in private cloud. OpenNebula enables enrolment of images and processing directly in Ceph pool using an interface for Ceph Block Devices.



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