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Tag: NoSQL

The Different Types of NoSQL Databases

The development of NoSQL databases was triggered by the needs of the companies dealing with huge amounts of data like Facebook, Google and Amazon....

Apache Cassandra: The NoSQL Scalable Database

  This article introduces readers to the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database, and provides them with use cases for which it is suitable. Apache Cassandra is a...

The Pros and Cons of Polyglot Persistence

The design of a database determines its optimal use. A single database engine is inefficient and insufficient for all data searches. This is where...

It’s Easy to Scale Out a MongoDB Deployment

MongoDB is a unique NoSQL open source database, which is scalable and adaptable. It is an application of choice for many Fortune 500 companies...

App Development on the Cloud Made Easy with PaaS!

This article looks into the benefits of using the Platform as a Service paradigm to develop applications on the cloud. It also compares a...

Installing and Using PostgreSQL Modules

In this article, we will learn how to install and use the PostgreSQL modules chkpass, fuzzystrmatch, isn and hstore. Modules add different capabilities to...

NewSQL — The New Way to Handle Big Data

Big data, big data, big data! This term has been dominating information management for a while, leading to enhancements in systems, primarily databases, to...

The Database Demands of Peta-scale Computing

Let's take a brief look at the challenges for next-generation databases. In the previous article we discussed that as data volumes grow towards the peta-scale...

Databases in the Era of Cloud Computing and Big Data

We take a look at the directions in which databases are evolving, driven by the twin factors of the "Cloud" and "Big Data". Let's...

Exploring Software: ZODB, a NoSQL Database

Let's explore how to use ZODB, a NoSQL database, from Python, with an example that stores and retrieves 'album' and 'track' data from the database. Most...