Debian ‘Stretch’ and ‘Jessie’ receive new updates

Linux Debian


Debian Project has announced the first point release of Debian 9 ‘Stretch’, while Debian 8 ‘Jessie’ has received the last maintenance update. Both the updates mainly address the security flaws and improvements for known issues.

The first point release of Debian 9 (version 9.1) comes with fixes for pressing issues and includes a total of 26 security updates and 54 bug fixes. The new version also removes the unnecessary aiccu package.

On the other hand, the maintenance update to Debian 8 (version 8.9) contains 68 security fixes and 53 bug fixes. This new version removes eight packages that were a part of the previous release. Importantly, the previous release of Debian 8 was released two and a half months ago back in May.

The official announcement states that the first point release to Debian GNU/Linux 9 is not a new version of Debian 9. It is an update that brings some new packages. You need to remove the old Stretch media. The existing packages can anytime be upgraded to current version using a Debian mirror.

Updated install packages available

Users with Debian 9 ‘Stretch’ and Debian 8 ‘Jessie’ can update their respective installations using the APT package manager or Synaptic Package Manager immediately. The official images for both the releases are also available on the official website.


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