Linux Foundation now manages JavaScript community



The Linux Foundation has announced the transition of the original JQuery Foundation into the JS Foundation to support a vast variety of JavaScript projects. This new collaboration will help the JavaScript community through experts under the new mentorship programme.

In addition to the Linux Foundation, the JS Foundation has founding members such as IBM, Ripple, Samsung, Sense Tecnic Systems, SitePen and the University of Westminster among others. The objective of the new group is to “drive broad adoption” as well as support the ongoing development of JavaScript solutions and “facilitate collaboration” within the developer community.

“The JS Foundation aims to support a vast array of technologies that complement projects throughout the entire JavaScript ecosystem,” said Kris Borchers, executive director, JS Foundation, in a statement. “We welcome any projects, organisations or developers looking to help bolster the JavaScript community and inspire the next wave of growth for application development.”

Focuses on both client and server sides

The JS Foundation is not only set to focus on mentoring projects on the client side but also on the server side. Furthermore, target areas of the JavaScript-centric group will revolve around application libraries, mobile application testing frameworks, JavaScript engines and ecosystem technologies.

Majorly, the list of initial projects under the JS Foundation Mentorship includes the Appium testing automation framework, JerryScript JavaScript engine, Mocha testing framework, Moment.js date library and Node-RED programming environment. These initiatives will perform under a community-driven environment.

The Linux Foundation is set to develop an open and technical governance model that includes a technical advisory committee and a governing board with representatives from member organisations. The group will work with standard bodies like W3C, WHATWG and ECMA TC39. Additionally, the Node.js Foundation will work closely with the group to select various open source projects.


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