Home 2015 October

Monthly Archives: October 2015

Get Analytical with R

R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computation and analysis. The author presents a way of doing statistical calculations using R...

The Internet of things (IoT)

The IoT is a technology in the making and we can experience it in small ways, even now. The author presents an ‘appetite whetting’...

The Xenomai Project, a Linux Based RTOS

Real-time operating systems (RTOS) are designed for real-time applications such as embedded systems, industrial robots, scientific research equipment and others. Read on to discover...

New Series JavaScript: The New Parts

JavaScript programming language is the most popular implementation of the ECMAScript specification. Recently, version 6 was released. This new series explains all that you...

WEB Usability and Accessibility– It’s Time to Act Fast

In an imperfect world that includes a significant number of variously challenged people, standards of usability and accessibility are required so that those with...

Buffer Navigation and help

Continuing with our series on Emacs, in this article, let’s explore basic buffer navigation, formatting, and help commands. GNU Emacs is the most widely used...

Ten Must-Have Open Source Tools for Backup and Recovery

This is a list of 10 open source backup and recovery tools that the author believes are the most useful. We suggest that the...

Why Students Should Get Involved in FOSS Development

Developers of proprietary software spend billions on development, yet FOSS is the choice of many of the biggest and best corporate entities. FOSS works...

Secured, De-duplicated Backup Using Python Tools

Critical data on any system can be safeguarded against accidental erasure, corruption, damage, etc, by an efficient backup system. Backup and recovery are integral...

Things to Consider While Building a Storage Solution

  Deciding on a storage solution for any venture can be tough. Follow the conversation between Eve, a young entrepreneur, and Bob, a storage expert,...