Home 2009 January

Monthly Archives: January 2009

Puzzling Things About C

Joy of Programming: Some Puzzling Things About C Language!

Have you wondered why some of the features of C language are unintuitive? As we'll see in this column, there are historical reasons for...

Session Management Using PHP, Part 2: Server-side Sessions

The second part of the article explains the formation of sessions on the server side without the need to store any information on the client machine. This strategy provides better security for the session information and permits sessions to form even if cookies are disabled on the client applications.

The Crux of Linux Notifier Chains

You can communicate between dynamic modules with notifier chains.

GlassFish, Part 1: Architecture, Community, et al.

An application server is a software stack that provides the business logic of a large-scale distributed application. These business logic and business processes are...

FOSS is __FUN__: Freedom and Security

The OSM map of Mumbai is "b0rked". Due to some problem with the initial import, all the streets are slightly out of alignment. After...

Vulnerability Assessment: Have You Done it Yet?

Regular vulnerability assessment of your systems/networks is a must. OpenVAS is one such tool that can assist you.

Sniff! Sniff!! Who Clogs My Network?

Some network connectivity and troubleshooting tools.

Scripts for Home Network

Part 9 of the "Programming in Python for Friends and Relatives" series discusses how to build some nifty scripts to check remote systems over the Internet.

Enabling Indian Languages on the FOSS Desktop, Part 2: The Little GNOME Stands Tall

The smirking little leprechaun—stands up to KDE, doesn’t he, the spunky dwarf? As we will see, it takes a little more configuration than KDE, but GNOME users, too, can type on their desktops in their mother tongues. The nerve of the GNOME!

FreedomYug: How To Melt Down

Start with professional qualifications. Nobody has said it yet: The global financial crisis is hand-crafted by highly-educated people. Most of them armed with post-graduate and...